Today is pancake day, which got us thinking about your business! Here’s how running a business is just like making pancakes.
Pancakes sound simple to make. Milk, Eggs and Flour right? Get the right mix and whisk it up to make your batter ready to cook. But from our experience pancakes are tricky little things!
The first batch never comes out right…
They just never come out the exact right consistency! You’ve perhaps been too eager and rushed it a little bit. They won’t be a complete failure, though, because they’ll still taste ok but they’re far from perfect.
The second batch is much better…
By the time you get to the second batch, the pan has heated up and the pancake batter cooks beautifully and produces the pancakes you were aiming to produce.
But then you want more…
You just can’t resist more now! You’ve produced perfection and keep going with another batch. At some point in the process though, the pan starts to burn! You add more butter and it burns. Lower the heat and cook longer – it still burns. You end up having to wash the whole thing out and start over and end up with pancakes more like Batch 1 all over again!
So what has this got to do with your business?
When you’re just starting out, things take a while to get going, and things aren’t coming together quite the way you thought they would.
But you don’t give up. You try again, and it gets better. Things work better, look better, go faster, and the overall results are pretty fantastic. Your fans eat up what you’re serving, with joy, and your business grows.
But then you start trying to squeeze better and better results out of what you’ve been doing, without putting much care back into it. Things slow down, and stagnate. Soon, no amount of attention will change things, and you are sent back to the beginning to reinvent and rebuild.
In conclusion…
Don’t quit your business on the first batch. When things feel flat and you don’t see the results you want on the first try, stick with it and keep trying. Keep trying different things, innovating, and paying attention to your customers and your market. Don’t let your business go stale or it will burn out.
At ActionCOACH Wakefield we work with business owners just like you. We help you to break down the running of your business into a step by step process. So you can follow it just like a recipe!
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With thanks to Sprout Social Media who’s original article provided inspiration for this one.