See our list of businesses that offer services that we highly recommend you look during your business growth journey. Click through each business name for further information and offers!

The North Leeds Funding Co.

As part of the Magna Money network, The North Leeds Funding Co. has access to over 200 lenders within the mainstream bank and alternative lending market.
Exclusive Offer – Your Free Funding Review
Your opportunity to assess your current business finance obligations and ensure they are aligned with both your future plans and immediate business needs.
The North Leeds Funding Co. are offering a no obligation funding review to UK based SME’s. Your free meeting with Jonathan Postle will explore the current finance facilities within your business and introduce the options available to help fund your business growth plans.
Please make contact with Jonathan Postle on one of the following:
Mobile: 07508775522
Mention ActionCOACH Wakefield sent you, or give us a shout for a personal introduction.

Andrew Bull Insurance Services

ABIS Ltd are a commercial insurance brokers based in Yorkshire.
They work exceptionally well in the SME arena and, in an industry where great service is hard to find, that is exactly what they pride ourselves on. They get to know their clients well by investing time and energy into their requirements.
Claim Your Free Insurance Review
ABIS Ltd are delighted to be able to offer an in depth insurance review for businesses free of charge. This gives the opportunity for firms to know that the cover they have in place is fit for purpose and will do what it needs to on the unfortunate day it is called upon.
Please make contact on one of the following:
Phone: 01423 798999
Mention ActionCOACH Wakefield sent you, or give us a shout for a personal introduction.

Hopwood Creative

Meercat Associates

Meercat Associates helps reduce cost and carbon from businesses who are ready to take action in a time of rising inflation and climate regulation.
Every business must continually improve its operations and efficiency to remain competitive in the market and grow.
Continually improving while reducing costs, without a detriment to service or quality is a specialist skill that adds value to your businesses, increases profits and attracts more clients.
With decades of value improvement experience across a wide range of sectors and commodities, the Meercat team are ready to support and guide you on your improvement journey.
From start-ups to large publicly traded companies, we work with managers and directors to help them achieve their goals with our group buying power and process driven approach.
We can benchmark your bills against quality brands and help you access the best low cost, low carbon solutions available.
Trusted by tens of thousands of businesses, local authorities and Business Improvement Districts for over fifteen years, we are ready to help you build a more sustainable business.
To find out more, please call 01444 416529 or visit

Unbranded Digital

Impala Accountancy

Impala Accountancy Limited is a professional accountancy practice based in Leeds which specialises in Sole Traders, Partnerships, small Limited Companies and Personal Tax Clients.
We understand what our clients are looking for and deliver what you need.
We prefer to meet with clients face to face, but whatever is easier for you, and we listen to you and get to know your individual financial needs. We pride ourselves in building strong relationships with our clients and look after all your tax and business requirements year after year.
Impala Accountancy Limited are offering an initial business review free of charge and a 10% discount on their first Annual Bill if you do decide to sign up with us.
Please make contact on one of the following:
Phone: 0113 4874855


IceBubble are a team of talented software engineers with over 40 years combined experience in delivering bespoke web based solutions, mobile apps and software integrations.
We have particular experience with field teams, workflow process analysis, systems integrations and the management of large data sets.
Our mission is to deliver enterprise grade business applications, mobile apps and systems integrations supporting them using both established and new technologies for small to medium business.
Claim your free review
Please get in touch using our contact details below, and mention ActionCOACH Wakefield to claim a free review of your web workflow and/or systems integrations.
Phone: 07766120568