Do your run your own business? There are a lot of challenges that you probably face with the day to day running of your business. Following on from our earlier post Things to love about running a business…
Here’s our list of top things that you probably hate about running a business:
- There’s no one to answer to. We listed this as a thing to love too but while it’s great to be your own boss, it can be a problem if you’re prone to procrastination and find it hard to knuckle down and get the work done. Being accountable for your actions and making sure everything gets done is one of the top struggles of running a business.
- You need to wear more than one hat. Chances are you’ve found yourself having to market your business and do all the various admin tasks alongside the thing that you actually set up your business to do.
- Not every client who’s willing to give you money is a good fit. In the first year or so of your business, you’re likely going to say yes even when your gut says no. Money is hard to say no to.
- You’re always chasing money. If you don’t get paid on time, you risk not been able to pay your staff, or yourself. Cash flow can be a big problem for the majority of businesses.
- You’re running about everywhere. Eager to please everyone, and do all the things you need to do to keep the business running effectively.
- You’re not getting to spend time with loved ones. That work-life balance you wanted? Not really happening!
- Managing staff is a nightmare! It’s a whole other process you never envisaged getting involved in – from managing payroll to training and trusting people to work for your company.
Are there any we’ve missed?
Join in with our vote on Facebook and tell us what you love about your business.
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