Do you know who you want to appeal to?
Think of the last time you bought something that had been marketed to you. Were they talking to you personally about a need that you had? Were their marketing materials specific to you?
If so, they targeted you as their IDEAL customer!
Take a look at your marketing.
Who is your ideal customer and does your message resonate to meet their needs? The more personal it feels, the more likely they are to interact with your brand.
Remember, find the ideal customer and target specifically to them….you will save yourself time, money and labour!
Here’s to your success!!



A question I am asked on so many occasions, and one that is very easy to answer!
Think about your favourite Sports team or athlete… they become the best at what they do on their own?
Of course not! They are surrounded by a team of coaches guiding them, testing them, measuring them, every step of the way.
And that is exactly what I do as a business coach. I give you, the business owner, all the tools and systems you need to succeed, and I help you put them into place.
Once your business is running how you always dreamed it to be, then I will be there simply cheering you on from the sidelines, watching you soar.
Here’s to your success!!



How often do you go out the house, reverse the car out the garage, put it into first gear, then wonder where you’re going to go? If you’re anything like me, then sometimes you momentarily FORGET where you were meant to be going, but there is always a destination in there somewhere!
If you’re going to go to the effort of getting in the car, then you will most certainly have a specific destination in mind.
And yet, in life and business, this ‘knowing where we’re going’ somehow gets lost!
If we can harness this same sense of focus and direction when getting in the car, and channel it into our business, just think how that would impact your life.
So set that GOAL, get in that car, and drive!
Here’s to your success!



There are 2 main ingredients to achieving SUCCESS:
1/ CLARITY – This is all about having a clear objective, because if we don’t know what it is that we want to achieve, then how are we meant to be successful at it?
2/ACTION – This is about putting together a plan to achieve your clear objective, and taking action on it – actually DOING it.
Taking these steps will ensure you achieve your success.
Short but sweet this week, but if you would like to discuss this further and find a way to your success, then drop me a line. Happy to chat, if it means you can achieve what you want from your business.





Think about investing in a marketing campaign; it takes money, time and manpower.
You love the advert, it’s catchy, it looks good and you want it to go in every publication out there. But how do you know if your gut feeling about the campaign was right? How do you know if it is driving sales? Is it really making you money?
Testing and Measuring are sure fire ways of making an objective decision about the campaign, that isn’t based purely on gut feeling and intuition.
So we place the advert and measure the results we get back. We understand the return on investment (ROI). This means we can make choices based on sound objective reasoning.
If our marketing campaign is working fantastically well for us, then we can choose to invest more because we KNOW we are going to get the return. If it isn’t working, then we can choose to end the campaign and invest in something else that is going to work.
Testing and measuring is vital for our business success, so drop me a line if you would like to discuss how we can get your measuring gauges in place.

Here’s to your success!!




I meet loads of people who say they struggle with time management, they just can’t get everything done, there are just not enough hours.
Sound familiar?
But the real question is this: Is it really about time management? Or is it something else?
So there are 168 hours in every week – it doesn’t matter what we do, there are still 168 hours.
We can’t change that, it is something that is out of our control.
So what’s in our control that we can change in terms of managing those hours?

It’s all about CHOICE – what we choose to do with the time we have.
How do we make sure we’re doing the things that are important to us?
How do we make sure we deliver the things we need to deliver?
After all, there are only 168 hours to do it in each week, so how do we choose what needs doing?
How do we prioritise?
Feel free to drop me a line if you want to chat about getting those business priorities nailed down.
Here’s to your success!!


A part of our subconscious that recognizes things.
For example, you are looking to buy a particular model of car in a particular shade of red, and the day after you’ve been to see it, you see that exact same car in that exact same colour everywhere!
Now this RAS is really useful when it comes to setting goals and things we want to achieve, because if we set ourselves the objective and set the goal in place, then we are programming our brains to look for the opportunities to help us achieve it.
So goals become really powerful, and we are much more likely to be successful if we have those set, because our RAS is focused on recognizing ways to achieve them.
If we can consciously make those decisions to set goals and take action, then our subconscious will aid us in every way possible.
Here’s to your success!!


Have you ever had a team member go on holiday, or worse, decide to leave….and suddenly you’re left wondering how these things got done in the business?
So you had this fantastic person who did so much for your organization, and now they’re not there anymore, you don’t know how to do what they did?!
This is where systems play a vital role in keeping our businesses going…..if you don’t have a system documented or in place, then you will always be left wondering how on Earth that amazing person that has now left, did what they did.
In ActionCoach, we live by the phrase below:


So, when this wonderful team member goes on holiday, or leaves the business, or goes on Maternity…or any of the other things that can happen….you have a go to system in place that means you can keep the work going. And furthermore, when you bring new people in, you can train them and get them up to speed in next to no time.
Systems are a very powerful tool, and your business needs them!
If you want to learn more about what systems you need and how to put them in place, click below.

Learn More




Human beings are averse to change.
Our natural instincts tell us to fear it. We like to do what we know how to do. It makes us feel secure and safe.
So why is it that sometimes we find it really easy to make a change in our lives?
But then at other times, it doesn’t matter how much we feel like we want to do it, we just can’t manage it.
Take a look at the below formula:

(D x V) + F > R
(Dissatisfaction x Vision) + First Steps > Resistance

This is our formula for change
It is basically saying that we need something to overcome our level of resistance in order to make that change.
Breaking it down: We need to have an understanding of how dissatisfied we are with something in our lives, and if that is high enough, then we multiply that with the vision of the future and what it would look like if we made the change. Then we add on the first steps to making that change.
If all of the above are greater than the level of resistance, then we will make that change we have been so yearning for.
It is really important that we know HOW to make the changes we want to make, or we will forever stay where we are; dissatisfied!

Imagine using this formula when deciding to make a change to your business; do you want to grow? Do you want to make more profit? Do you want to build a more efficient team? Do you want to finally free up your time to do the things you started your business for in the first place (satisfied in the knowledge that your business is working WITHOUT you)? If this is the case, then drop me message, and we can discuss HOW you can make those changes that will get you moving.

Here’s to your success!!



What is the USP of your business?

And WHY do we need one in the first place?

First and foremost, a USP helps us to extract ourselves from price competition.
It means we can differentiate ourselves in the marketplace, so when customers look at our services or products, they have something else to compare us on other than price.
This in turn, means we can sell at a higher price level.
Let me give you an example of a case we have worked on here at ActionCoach:
Working with a small roofing company, they were asked to find their USP that wasn’t based around price competition. The owner decided to offer his customers a unique guarantee

*When on site, no worker will swear or use blasphemous language
*All workers will always turn up on time
*Once work is complete, the company will ensure the property is left spotless
*If any of the above are compromised, the company will pay for another organization to complete the job

With our help, the owner was able to put the systems and processes in place to ensure these guarantees were met – team training, marketing strategy etc – and his roofing company went from strength to strength.
He understood his audience and what they wanted, developed his USP around these needs, and delivered on his promises. In turn, he was able to price his services at a higher level.
Now take a look at your USP again – are you really offering what your customers want?
Discussing these things through will help you gain clarity on your vision, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you want a chat about your USP.

Here’s to your success!!



We all know as business owners how difficult it is to find the time to do everything that needs to be done in our business.
Well, here are the 4 key skills I use to getting more done in less time:

ANALYSIS: Understanding and reviewing all the things we think we need to get done, the great big to-do list!

PLANNING: Deciding which of those things we are going to do, and when we are going to get them done

DELEGATION: Getting somebody else to do the thing, so it is getting ticked off the to-do list, but not eating up your time

SELF MANAGEMENT: Ensuring you do the first three things, committing yourself so you don’t get distracted by all the other things you could be doing

Sticking to this process has benefitted me massively in the running of my business; it’s a good habit to develop, and if you really can commit, you will start seeing the difference in your productivity almost straight away.

Here’s to your success!!