Unbranded Digital: 4x Turnover, 4x Profit in 2 Years! - ActionCOACH Wakefield

“4x Turnover, 4x Profit, More Staff,
A New, Bigger Office and my Dream Car!”

ActionCOACH Wakefield lead business coach, Jenni Morgan first met Lee Hart of Unbranded Digital back in Spring 2019.

Lee would be the first to admit he was somewhat stuck in a rut back then. His business was providing an income, but he was just going from project to project, enduring sleepless nights wondering if he’d make payroll at the end of each month. Lee was fulfilling most of the projects himself and he couldn’t really see a way to progress on to the next level, to employ more staff and free up his own time.

In an initial meeting, Jenni introduced Lee to the 6 Steps to Building A Better Business. This is our essential recipe that helps a business owner step out of their business and evaluate it step by step, with the aim being to build a commercial profitable enterprise that can work without them. This introduction to the 6 steps gave Lee a framework with which to assess his business against.

Given the size of the business at that time, Lee opted to attend our GrowthCLUB.

GrowthCLUB was a great introduction for Lee and got him used to planning for 90 Day results, gaining increases each quarter. After a year in Growth CLUB, Lee opted to them move up to ActionCLUB. This then gave him the step up to more intensive learning and support to help him meeting the challenges in his business.

Watch Lee’s testimonial video below to learn all about the impressive results that led to an award for best business growth at the ActionCOACH UK Awards.


What Could Those Results Mean For You?

Is your dream of running your own business working the way you thought it would? Or are you working all hours, feeling stuck in a rut, just about making enough money to get by?

Let's have a chat and we'll show you how you can achieve results like Lee has...

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