What is the Identity Iceberg?

The Identity Iceberg is phycological activity, that incorporates the Behaviour Iceberg where you only see 10% of the problem. In the identity Iceberg, you identify the 10% of what you think people see in your actions and appearances. You then identify 90% of what people don’t see; Skills, Beliefs, Values and your Identity. This task allows you to visually see how you portray yourself to your audience and allows you to make changes to optimise your brand to be more appealing.

The Identity Iceberg has multiple applications to use to identify how people perceive something, for example, you could use this as a business strategy, similar to the 80 20 Rule, to see how your customers see your business and make changes to optimise your business’s operations to best suit your customers.

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How do people see your Identity Iceberg?

Ninety percent of an iceberg’s mass lies below the surface and as human beings, we are no different. Ninety percent of who we are lies below our surface, in the form of our identity, values, beliefs and skills.

You may have come across this analogy before. It’s used often in motivational posts that you may have seen on social media and often adapted slightly to suit the content. But basically, it refers to what we see on the surface, and the bits that we don’t see are all the bits below the surface, the blood sweat and tears and all the hard work you’re putting in.

Surrounding the iceberg is the environment. External factors influence how that iceberg is made up. For us, our environment consists of where we grew up and the people we associate with.

Identity Iceberg Diagram As a result of our environment, we form our Identity.

Our identity causes us to develop our system of Values. Through the development of our values, we establish our Beliefs. Our beliefs allow us to build up a particular set of Skills.

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How to use the Identity Iceberg?

These are generally the actions you take, and the results you’re getting, all of the course influenced by your decisions and your behaviours.

The effect of our behaviour is displayed through our actions and decisions. Each decision and action we make manifest into our Results.

So if we are not achieving the results we desire we need to look at our behaviours. Not seeing the results in your business you’d like? What actions are you currently taking and what isn’t working? It might be that you realise that you’re not doing much marketing, so we need to change the behaviours and take an action to learn and improve our marketing to change those results.

If we are not happy with our decisions and actions we need to look at our behaviour.

If we are not pleased with our behaviour we then need to look below the surface and see what is causing us to achieve less than we desire.

Is it a result of our current skills, beliefs, values, identity or environment? The cause will be found here. Once we discover it we can make the decision to immediately take action to overcome this challenge. So we need to learn more skills, to change our beliefs or change our environment for instance.

Understanding the cause and overcoming it will allow us to make the necessary changes to our behaviour.

By changing our behaviour we will enable ourselves to take the most suitable action needed to achieve our ideal result.

So focus on what is causing you to hold yourself back and commit to making those changes beneath the surface to enable you to achieve all you want to on the surface.

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